Innovative Equine Experience
The Innovative Hope intuitive equine model uses the dynamic element of the horse and human encounter to offer cutting-edge growth and education opportunities for individuals, groups, leadership teams, and anyone who desires adventure and learning!
Intuitive Equine is a relationship between horse and human where deep connection expands an inner sense of knowing that is beyond information gathered through typical logic or reason. Your intuitive sense is the wisdom of your heart and soul. Enjoy the awakening of your own essence as you interact with the essence of a horse.
This herd of horses is looking forward to spending time with you in ways that offer fun, insight, and personal growth.
Learn more about the unique gift of horses from this research done by Heart Math Institute
Are you looking healing or personal growth? Are you and your partner looking for an exciting experience that provides relationship enrichment? Do you have a group or team that values creative learning and ideas?
Horses offer an innovative way to learn communication skills, team work, connection, and effective problem solving that can lead to optimal results. We offer Equine Experience for individuals, couples, groups, and teams. To learn more or schedule a session, contact us at InnovativeHopePrograms@gmail.com
We also offer a Master Class Training in Intuitive Equine Experience. This experiential training is a two day horse immersion that involves deep connection with horses resulting in personal growth. Participants spend quality time with horses, while gaining awareness and tools for authentic living. Check out our upcoming trainings!

Who Can Benefit from an Innovative Equine Experience?
Even if you have never had experience with horses before the Innovative Equine Experience is an avenue for personal and relational growth. Horses offer a relational and reflective encounter to benefit areas of life that involve relationship to self or others. Relationship with the horse brings a hands-on, active ingredient for growth, change, and healing.
Innovative Equine Experience is useful for issues related to all of the following areas and more:
- Relationship Health
- Healthy Communication
- Team Building
- Leadership Development
- Self Discovery
- Personal Growth and Healing
- Boundaries and Assertiveness
- Discovering Purpose and Direction
- Grief Healing
- Healthy Living
Why Horses?
Horses are very much like humans in that they are social animals who feel safety and comfort by the strong relationships in their herd. Horses respond to each other and to humans with honesty.
Horses are vegetarians who live in a world of predators (other animals who would like to eat them!) Horses thrive by living in the present moment where they use deep connection with each other to respond genuinely to what is occurring in the moment. Unlike humans, whose responses to other humans are often based on something that happened in the past or something that may happen in the future, a horse responds honestly, and immediately, to what a person is doing in the present.
Horses use their wisdom to teach people about present, honest connection to self and others. Through building a relationship with horses, people gain insight into their own verbal and nonverbal behaviors, and relationship patterns. Horses will not demonstrate acceptance, trust and respect in a relationship until the human learns to build a relationship based on acceptance, mutual trust and respect. This allows people to take responsibility for the kind of relationships they build with the horses and, ultimately, in their life.